A Really Cheery Post About Being Poorly and Feeling Sorry For Myself

2nd February 2016

feeling poorly as a mother

I have literally been sat in front of my computer for the past few hours, mostly staring at the screen, thinking about what I should be doing, as well as playing with my phone. I haven’t been very well for the last week or so, but yesterday it actually felt like this horrible cold was actually progessing, however today I feel so much worse!

I went to a few shops this morning after I dropped A off and I had to give up and come home as I could barely breathe and felt horrendous and weird. I’ve also had a migraine all day and paracetamol hasn’t even touched it.

Woe, woe, woe.

Ava is at nursery today so it’s one of my three days to fit in as much stuff as possible in between school hours, but instead of getting shiz done, I have got zero done except for a couple of emails, and a couple of rounds of Wordfeud on my phone. All the important stuff. Annoyingly though I can’t seem to be able to make myself just give up and go to bloody bed, or at least go and get comfy somewhere. And so I’m still sat here, not cracking on with my giant to-do list and not feeling very warm and cosy either. I really can’t be bothered to move. I’m such an idiot. But could someone maybe come and carry me upstairs please, provide me with a hot cup of tea, maybe some cake and some stronger painkillers pretty please?

I am massively feeling sorry for myself today. Everything hurts so much and I should have given up and gone and got in bed hours ago. I do annoy myself sometimes (often).

I think I’m actually quite good (ish) at being ill. I can take quite a lot, and I’m used to feeling like crap, although it’s never very nice. But this feeling is horrible. I would really like to be able to breathe again, and not feel like someone smacked me over the back of my head with some concrete please.

It’s really hard being ill as a parent, isn’t it? You can’t just forget everything, go to bed and watch Gossip Girl. You have to keep on doing the nursery runs, make food, and look after the little people, even when you feel a bit like death. You can’t just sleep it off (that’s why hangover’s are also a million times worse once you have children). It’s bloody hard, and I kind of just feel like shouting ‘LEAVE ME ALONE’ and hiding under the bedcovers. But my mean four year old won’t let me stay under there. What a brat. (kidding, obvs!)

I can’t stand not being able to get things done, and just literally waiting for time to pass by so I can feel better again. It makes me a bit grumpy (did you guess that already from this happy, positive post?), and so, so frustrated. I am impatient at the best of times, but I just want to be a functioning adult again.

Anyway, that’s enough complaining for one (boring) post. I do kind of hate whinging on here, but you know, it’s my blog and I’ll whinge if I want to! Weirdly I have been in a pretty good mood today, which almost makes it more annoying because it seems like a waste 😉

Hope you’re cheerier than me!

2 responses to “A Really Cheery Post About Being Poorly and Feeling Sorry For Myself”

  1. I totally relate to feeling unwell and just not being able to accomplish much. We are recovering from winter bug that the whole house got last week. Little ones not allow for much rest. Hope you feel better soon.

  2. Mim says:

    Oh lady I hope you’re already feeling much much better x x it sucks so much being ill when you’re a parent, or when you’re not!, and you can’t catch a break. Lots of water and a good night’s sleep – there’s my Mummy advice 🙂 and chocolate will absolutely help x x x

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