Happy Happy Joy Joy

16th October 2012

10 things making me very happy right now:

  1. It being all rainy and windy outside and Ava and I being all snuggled up with blankets and the heating on… and still in our pj’s.
  2. Looking out the window for Daddy coming home and then Ava getting all excited when she see’s him, and then him being happy that she recognises him ♥
  3. Seeing friends I haven’t seen in a while and it being just like it always was.
  4. Christmas is only just over 2 months away! AVA’S FIRST CHRISTMAS!!! I am beyond excited.
  5. Spooning with him when it’s all cold outside of the bed (no! not like that, you dirty bugger! althoughhh…)
  6. The boy is off work tomorrow!
  7. Red wine. Necessary right now, very necessary. (Not right now, btw… I’m not that bad. Not quite.)
  8. A nice cup of tea (which means I did not make it).
  9. Finally sorting something on my blog which I have spent hours HOURS doing. And yes, it was very straightforward in the end.
  10. The colour yellow.

Anything making you terribly happy today? 

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