Those times when you just feel really shitty about yourself

16th September 2016

I’m having a ‘I hate looking in the mirror’ moment/month, and it’s shit. You know those times when you’re suddenly not happy with the way you look AT ALL and you want to change everything about yourself but you don’t know how to make it all better?

feeling shitty

I suddenly hate my hair. I loved it this short a couple of weeks ago, and even though it doesn’t look amazing in photographs I really think it suits me better this way, and lots of people have said that they really like it and it suits me. But I’m suddenly so bored with it and feel like it’s crap. I don’t know. At the moment I’m planning on growing it to shoulder length again and hoping I like it. But I’m sure I’ll get bored of it again pretty quickly.

Then I have barely been able to make myself exercise for ages – usually summer is fine and it’s winter when I struggle, but no, not this year. I don’t want to and can’t make myself exercise at all, and I just want to eat pudding. Hello love handles, nice to see you again. Now if you’d just piss off…

This summer has felt the opposite to usual – normally because in the summer I’m exposing more of myself I want to look and feel my best, but this seems to have been the year of baggy dresses for me, which means it’s mostly all hidden so I can ignore it for a bit. Now that winter is coming (Winter is coming!) and I’ll be wearing my jeans that are just that little bit tight at the moment, I really want to do something about it. And yet I can’t motivate myself to do anything.

It’s not like I’ve put on tons of weight or anything, probably just a few pounds, but it feels like a lot when clothes are tighter and it’s just making me feel very meh. I think it’s probably tiredness that’s making me feel quite so rubbish about the way I look, plus I’ve been poorly and my tan is fading, which really doesn’t help. I’ve also had no time to look after myself which I don’t think helps.

Tell me it’s not just me who has these shitty feeling moments? How do you get passed it? Any tips are welcome!

2 responses to “Those times when you just feel really shitty about yourself”

  1. Thought I have learned to love myself more recently, I still get like this. I don’t know how I snap out if it, it just disappears eventually I guess. We do beat ourselves up! x

  2. Kerry says:

    I could have written this! Only I actually really have put on too much weight. You look gorgeous though and if it helps, seeing photos of your hair short made me think about cutting mine off again, it really does look lovely xxxxx now go and get a big glass, I mean bottle, of wine… solves all of life’s problems… 😂

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