Three Years Old

2nd January 2015

Three Years Old

So today our baby girl turns three. It feels like quite a big deal. It seems a lot more grown up than two; moving from toddlerhood to being a proper little girl. She has seemed a lot more grown up recently; we have more proper conversations and more laughs together. She knows how to tease me and wind me up and I love spending time with her. We have a lot of fun together.

Three has always seemed like a big age to me, I think because I became a big sister when I was three so it somehow seems older. And I always thought that Ava would be a big sister by the time she was three. She’s at the perfect age to be excited about having a baby brother or sister as well as being old enough to help out with things a little bit, like she does when I’m looking after my nephew.

At three, Ava loves Toy Story, Princesses and My Little Pony. Her favourite foods are sausages and pizza and Yorkshire Puddings and she still won’t eat any fruit but bananas. She only drinks water and would eat snacks all day if I let her. She loves helping with things like setting the table and putting her shoes on and she adores bouncing on the bed. She is happy and friendly and sometimes shy and she is always caring. She can also be grumpy and bossy and cheeky and difficult, but she is always cute. She constantly asks questions now and never stops talking.

Except for when she’s poorly she usually sleeps through the night and she hasn’t had naps for a long time.

We are really loving this fun, inquisitive age she is at (except for all the constant questions!) and I can’t wait to see how much she grows up and changes over the next year. She’s a wonderful little person and I am so glad she is a part of our life.

Happy 3rd Birthday baby girl!

Super Busy Mum

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