Who, What, Where

8th December 2012

                                          Source: charlotteromance.tumblr.com via Kari on Pinterest


Who I’m loving… Ava, as usual – she’s at such an adorable age, difficult, yes, but adorable. She’s getting very cheeky and she makes us laugh a lot.

What I’m loving… Warm Mince Pies, especially those from Marks and Spencer. Why oh why has nobody ever told me to have a Mince Pie WARM?! I’ve never even heard  it mentioned. Weird. But so right. With the Brandy Butter (M&S again), even. better.

Where I’m loving… Bed. Except I’d rather be sleeping when I’m in it. That sounds weird. I mean, rather than trying to get the baby to sleep for the millionth time. Honest.

When… Christmas Day. Ava’s FIRST CHRISTMAS! So so so so so excited. And that’s just not enough so’s. Soooooo…..

What I’m doing… Exercising. TWO DAYS in a row. God I’m good.

What I’m watching… Friends. Ava gets so excited when she hears the theme tune to Friends now. She reacts so quickly, jumps up and down, dances, and waves her arm’s about. It’s adorbs.

Where I’m going… Lincoln Christmas Market – excited and daunted (is that a word?!) at the same time. My Mum and sister went last year, and pretty much spent the whole time in a walking traffic jam up a hill, couldn’t get any food, paid A LOT for the Park and Ride, and didn’t really get to see a whole lot of market. Add to that a pushchair, a baby who needs feeding, a tired mama trying to take pictures for her blog (most likely in the rain), a grumpy ‘this was your idea’ boy…. oh I’m excited.

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