How Are You, Really?

28th February 2019


I’ve recently been listening to Bryony Gordon’s ‘Mad World‘ podcast, and at the beginning of every episode she asks her guest how they are, really, as in, not just how we ask each other all the time – “yeah, yeah fine thanks, how are you?”, how you REALLY are.

So often we just brush over the question because we don’t want to tell our neighbour, or postman, or the lady in Boots, or even sometimes our friends how we really are, because it’s just too much, and you know they don’t really want to know that you’re currently very depressed and hate everyone and everything and don’t actually want to be here anymore thank you very much. Or maybe sometimes you just don’t want to talk about it even with those close to you, because you’re sick of thinking about it, or just can’t be arsed right now.

It’s a really good question, because even though it’s one that we ask all the time, we don’t really ask it, do we? We’re just being polite or making conversation. But it is a really important question to ask those we love, and really listen to their answer. From the other perspective, we can often feel reluctant to say how we really feel, in case we come across as whingey or miserable, especially if that’s how we feel for a while and so every time someone asks we give a negative answer.

But you know, life is hard, shit affects us all, and so, so many people suffer with mental health issues, so it’s really important that we keep talking about it, and telling people how we feel. And I think asking someone how they are, really is a good place to start.

So, how am I, really?

Well, I’m very tired because I’ve had a really busy few days and I’m not sleeping well and have a very painful ear infection. I’m also a little bit overwhelmed because Ava went back to school on Tuesday after half term and an Inset Day so I have quite a bit to catch up with.

I’m pretty down at the moment too; my life is feeling very chaotic and uncertain right now, in a number of ways, and I don’t really know what the future holds. Not that we ever really do, but even moreso than usual. Today I don’t feel too bad; it’s been nice this week to be able to get back to work and the routine of school and daily life again, even though Ava and I had a really good break together and I didn’t want it to end.

But I have a lot on my mind and I’m finding it hard to concentrate. I’m supposed to be writing a sponsored post right now, but I wanted to write this first as I feel like I need to spill my thoughts out. I’m quite anxious and I’d really like to be able to turn off my brain for a little bit. I’m thinking too much.

I’m also very happy because my wonderful niece was born last week and she is beautiful and teeny and I just want to snuggle her all day. I’m so incredibly happy that she is here safe, and that my sister is well (if rather sore) – it was a couple of very anxious days waiting for news whilst she was in labour. They’re also finally home from hospital after a rubbish few days stuck in a stuffy room, which is brilliant, and I’m going to go and see them again later and I can’t wait.

So, what about you?

How are you, really? Please share in the comments – I really want to know.

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