Making the Transition to Full Time Blogging

29th January 2018


Blogging is as legitimate a career choice as starting a career as anything else. Blogging was once something people cultivated as a personal hobby, to share their vacation pics or to write out their political opinions in depth. While the personal touch will always remain with blogs worth reading, running a successful blog can of course net monetary success. This is great, because it allows the blogger to run meaningful content while also having the time to craft it correctly and purposefully select its impact.

If you’ve been blogging a while, it’s likely that you have an idea of your style and the topics you are interested in. It’s likely you see blogging as a pastime and not something you can adequately make a career out of. Depending on your reach and the size of your audience, you may be wrong, as there are almost limitless possibilities to get started monetizing your blog in a significant way. We’re not saying you’ll be a millionaire in a few months, but definitely with the right choices, an owned blog (preferably a number of them,) can net you enough cash to live off and make this your full-time gig. But how do you make that transition from part to full time?

Invest Time

In order to become suitable for running your own full-time blog, you need to stay aware of the monetization trends. This means studying the great blogs you respect. Count how many affiliate marketing articles they host, what sort of advertisements they run and how often, and how honest the curated content they generate is. A great blog will balance these three things well, and the monetization will almost be unnoticeable. To get to this point, you need to invest time in generating content and opening yourself up to SEO companies. Offer your platform as an opening. To do this, you will need some clinically accurate demographic statistics and outreach numbers to present. If deemed appropriate, you might establish a partnership with an affiliate marketing firm, and begin and host articles for monetization as a result.

Grow & Work

In the early days, it will be slow going. You will need to put in plenty of work, potentially writing for upwards of two or three marketing firms at one time, while also generating your own content to keep the blog fresh, relevant and magnetic to an audience. As you do this, you might notice that you need full-time hours to inject already. If you haven’t been paid for this as of yet, you might consider utilizing a signature loan to keep your operation going before that first lucrative payday. Before trying one of this, it really does pay to understand exactly when the guaranteed income you will receive will commence, as otherwise a loan may not be your best option.

Write SEO

Writing SEO can be a great way to manage your own income at home as you begin to learn how the blogging world works, and how to navigate content. Writing SEO gives you a great idea of what style of content works. As you gain familiarity with a company, you may be able to politely put forward your own blogging options, and if this is accepted, you could begin earning two forms of income and have more ownership over the quality of content you receive.

With this in mind, and a constant reflection as to how marketing friendly your blog is, you can truly make some good money and pack in your day job. Be sure to conduct further research as challenges crop up, and a new lucrative career may be yours for the taking.

This is a collaborative post.

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