5 Tips (Bribes) for Train Travel with Kids

12th October 2016

I have been travelling quite a bit lately, especially to London, and I’ve taken Ava with me on my own a couple of times. The thought of travelling by train and on the tube terrified me at first, and I don’t think I would have even done it a year ago, but now I feel like I have got to the place where I can relax about it a bit and enjoy our day out together instead of dreading what she will be like, and if she is difficult then I feel like I can handle it. There are a few things that help me make the whole day a bit easier, and being organised when travelling with kids is so important (for your sanity). So I thought I would share with you my 5 tips for train travel with kids.

train travel with kids

5 Tips for Train Travel With Kids

train travel with kids

Of course in an ideal world, we wouldn’t need to bribe our kids to behave or to stop them from having a meltdown, and I’m sure some perfect parents would never use chocolate to get their own way. But most of us live in the real world, and our lovely and at times beautifully behaved children do get tired or bored, and so I think it’s best to be prepared for that and do what you need to do. Being stuck somewhere like on a train means that you may have to develop ways and means of getting them to listen to you and behave which you might not normally need to do.

I hope this was helpful, and if you have to take your kids somewhere by yourself for the first time – try not to worry. If the worst comes to the worst they will scream their heads off for the whole journey and all of the other passengers will absolutely hate you – but oh well you’ll probably never see them again!

Pin for later:

train travel with kids pinterest

Let me know in the comments if you have any more great tips for travelling with kids!

2 responses to “5 Tips (Bribes) for Train Travel with Kids”

  1. 🙂 Love these ideas, especially the snap chat one. I haven’t tried this before, those filters look like great distractions.

  2. Great tips! I’ve definitely used a couple of these myself when we’ve been out and about 😉 Definitely better to be prepared and expect everything and anything that be caught on the back foot with these little ones! Thanks for sharing this, so helpful 🙂 Emily

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