Understanding Your Blogger’s Block

8th January 2020

Writer’s block is an elusive affliction that everyone from Fitzgerald to Dickens experienced at some stage, and it can be crippling indeed. Now, as the way we share writing is changing, a new phenomenon is coming to the fore, and we’ve aptly named it ‘blogger’s block.’

Much like with writer’s block, blogging block comes complete with a total inability to put thought into action, and a frustrating habit of procrastinating rather than writing. If this issue goes on, it could lead to lost followers and ultimately, a decreasing income.

But, all hope is not lost. In many instances, bloggers in recovery report similar reasons for their blocks, and we’re going to discuss the key culprits here to help you overcome them. 


# 1 – Your blog is at a standstill

Forward momentum is fundamental in everything, especially our creative processes. As bloggers, the sense that we’re reaching new people is fundamental for satisfaction and avoiding that notorious wall. Continually appealing to new audiences on social media is, of course, the easiest thing you can do here. But, if even that isn’t working, you might need to get your business head on to expand further. Embarking on blogger collaborations, for instance, could see you reaching people you never would otherwise. Equally, making your blog accessible by finding audio description services or even seeking a page translator using tips from this blog post could work well. Either way, continuing to work forward should see you leaving that wall behind in no time. 

# 2 – You’re getting in your way

As any writer will tell you, writer’s block is a story we tell ourselves, and blogger’s block is the same. Too often, we convince ourselves we’re blocked because we won’t give ourselves permission to a) write badly or b) write at all. If you’re restricting your writing time because you’re convinced you’re going to do poorly, then is it any wonder you’ve struggled to write a post this week? If you’re worried this is your issue, simply learn to be kind. Even if you have to write a rubbish post to get the good stuff, giving yourself permission will get you through your block in the end. 


# 3 – You’re working too hard

It may seem strange, but trust us when we say that working too hard is often a leading cause for blogging block. After all, creativity is an elusive skill borne from experiences. If your only experience in recent weeks has been sitting at your desk with a computer in front of you, is it any wonder you feel like you’ve run out of things to say? In this instance, you may be surprised to find that productivity could skyrocket if you just took some time out. Even if you have a lot to do, taking your computer to a coffee shop and keeping an ear out for what’s happening around you could be just the thing to spark an idea and get those keys tapping again at long last.

This is a collaborative post.

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